
Like many great bands...

...arose the base cast of Quiet Streets of two brothers and their bond of playing guitar together. When they were children, Bruno and Mijo hid their first guitar from their dad under their bed, because they knew that he wasn't approved of this type of music. This early prohibition might have influenced their motivation to master their favoured instrument and laid the foundation for the unique sound of Quiet Streets.

Years later they met the young drummer Wolfgang by chance, when all three of them went for some coffee at a rehearsal facility in Nuremberg and got into conversation. They began to jam regularly and started a weekendproject where uncountable songs were recorded - a valuable source for later creations. A couple of years later, bassist Chris joined the band and completed the instrumental part of Quiet Streets. Like no one else had Chis an extremly distinct sense for harmonic support and lifted the overall musical output to an even further level: The Quiet Streets were born.

In 2017 they collaborated with a singer/songwriter from Erlangen who supported them with their first official single release "14 Years" (recorded at Ghost City Recordings) which immidiately dropped into the top 20 MTV-Adria Charts and went Top 10 within two weeks.

Since 2018 Quiet Streets are collaborating with Alex, whose incredible singing-talent, memorable/unique voice as well as outstanding lyrics and ideas fit perfectly to the bands portfolio.

Meanwhile they are playing on stages around Germany and Europe.